By-laws, approved February 23, 2009

(approved February 23, 2009)


  1. Article I: Name
  2. Article II: Purpose
  3. Article III: Objectives
  4. Article IV: Composition of the RNA
  5. Article V: Steering Committee
  6. Article VI: Officer Positions
  7. Article VII: At-Large Members
  8. Article VIII: Annual Meeting
  9. Article IX: Other Meetings and Communication
  10. Article X: Financial Policies
  11. Article XI: Prohibitions
  12. Article XII: Amendments

Article I: Name

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Rosedale Neighborhood Association, a non-profit organization, referred to throughout these bylaws as the RNA.

Article II: Purpose

Section 1. The purpose of the RNA is:

  • To seek to improve the quality of life in the Rosedale neighborhood in matters such as land use, environmental protection, public services, consumer protection, and other matters of neighborhood concern.
  • To foster a close, genuine community of neighbors.
  • To provide a forum through meetings of the RNA and its committees, as well as via its electronic forums, for pursuing a variety of goals beneficial to the neighborhood.

Article III: Objectives

Section 1. The objectives of the Association are to:

  1. Keep residents and property owners informed of issues vital to the neighborhood by appropriate communications and meetings.
  2. Preserve the integrity of the residential character of the neighborhood and defend the fragile perimeter, with attention to compatibility with adjoining commercial zone uses.
  3. Observe and work on land utilization and zoning issues that affect properties within the boundaries of the Rosedale neighborhood and its adjoining areas. The City of Austin Land Development Code will serve as a tool to assist in this process.
  4. Investigate and make recommendations to the RNA on matters of neighborhood concern through the Steering Committee on-going roles and special committees.
  5. Help educate residents and property owners regarding options related to issues of home ownership, zoning, and rights.
  6. Facilitate the education of residents and property owners regarding the natural environmental features of the Rosedale area.
  7. Develop and preserve natural green spaces, parks, trees, and landscaping in the Rosedale area, including general land use management.
  8. Establish mutual protection and safety for residences and businesses.
  9. Improve safety of the streets through better traffic and parking control.
  10. Make information available to residents and property owners by means of the annual meeting, regular meetings, special meetings, paper newsletters, the website, and the neighborhood’s electronic mailing list.

Article IV: Composition of the Association

Section 1. The pool of eligible RNA members includes all residents and real property owners within the following boundaries:

  • Lamar from the corner of 38th St. and Lamar to the corner of Lamar and 45th St.
  • 45th St. from the corner of Lamar and 45th St. to the corner of 45th St. and Burnet
  • Burnet from the corner of 45th St. and Burnet to the corner of Burnet and Hancock
  • Hancock from the corner of Burnet and Hancock to the intersection of Hancock with Shoal Creek proper (i.e. the creek itself, not Shoal Creek Blvd.)
  • Center line of Shoal Creek proper from its intersection with Hancock to its intersection with 38th St.
  • 38th St. from its intersection with Shoal Creek proper to the corner of 38th St. and Lamar
Section 2. Residents become RNA members through participation and paying dues. Membership will become effective at the next meeting after residency has been established.
Section 3. Members agree to abide by the bylaws of the RNA.

Article V: Steering Committee

Section 1. The affairs and activities of the RNA shall be administered by a Steering Committee.
Section 2. The Steering Committee shall include eleven to twenty-five members in the following roles:

  • The Officers as detailed in Article VI
  • The immediate past Co-Presidents
  • At-Large Steering Committee members as detailed in Article VII
Section 3. All Steering Committee members shall be elected during the annual meeting as described in Section VIII and shall serve for one-year terms or until their successors are duly elected and installed.
Section 4. It is recommended as a general rule that an individual serve at most two consecutive terms of any one office.
Section 5. Household partners may occupy one office and serve as a team; however, theirs will constitute only one vote.
Section 6. The office of any Steering Committee member who fails to fulfill the responsibilities listed for their position without show of reasonable cause shall be declared vacant by the Steering Committee.
Section 7. If any office on the Steering Committee becomes vacant between elections, the Steering Committee shall appoint an RNA member to assume the responsibilities of that office for the remainder of the term.
Section 8. A majority of the members of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum at all RNA meetings.
Section 9. All Steering Committee members are indemnified by the RNA against any and all claims and liabilities that a member may incur related to serving or having served in this capacity provided such claims or liabilities do not arise out of willful misconduct or gross negligence.
Section 10. All Steering Committee members are responsible for maintaining records related to decisions rendered in relationship to the roles they serve. These records should be passed along to the next person in this role when a new Steering Committee comes into effect and should be retained in perpetuity.

Article VI: Officer Positions

Section 1. The Officers of the RNA shall be the Co-Presidents, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
Section 2. From two to three Co-Presidents will serve a parallel term. Responsibilities of the Co-Presidents:

  • Serve as leaders of the Steering Committee.
  • Preside at all meetings of the RNA and the Steering Committee.
  • Direct and administer the affairs of the RNA as its executive head, subject to the directions of the Steering Committee.
  • Send out notices of meetings of the RNA and the Steering Committee.
  • Contact Steering Committee Members who have missed multiple meetings to determine if that individual is still able to serve.
  • Serve as the primary point of contact for communication on behalf of the RNA.
Section 3. Responsibilities of the Secretary:

  • Take notes during RNA meetings.
  • List Steering Committee attendance and accomplishments as part of the meeting minutes.
  • Ensure that the minutes of regular meetings and the annual meeting are published on the RNA website.
  • As appropriate, post notes to the RNA mailing list, submit information for posting on the RNA website, and provide information for the RNA newsletter.
Section 4. Responsibilities of the Treasurer:

  • Perform the duties usually belonging to the office.
  • Keep records of membership.
  • Receive and have custody of all monies of the RNA, depositing all funds in a manner agreed upon by the Steering Committee.
  • Make disbursements for all RNA activities.
  • Present financial reports to the Steering Committee at least quarterly.

Article VII: At-Large Steering Committee Members

Section 1. At-Large Steering Committee Members shall serve in on-going roles to support and further the causes of the RNA.
Section 2. General responsibilities of At-Large Steering Committee Members:

  • Attend the RNA’s annual meeting
  • Attend regular and special meetings of the Steering Committee
  • Notify the Co-Presidents if missing a meeting
  • As appointed by the Nominating Committee and requested by the Co-Presidents, serve in at least one of the On-Going Roles and/or as Chair of a special committee
Section 3. On-Going Roles of the Steering Committee:

  • Newsletter Coordinator
  • Newsletter Distribution Coordinator
  • Electronic Communications Coordinator
  • Zoning Issues Coordinator
  • Traffic and Parking Coordinator
  • Neighborhood Features and History Coordinator
  • Neighborhood Events Coordinator
  • Community Relations Coordinator
  • Austin Neighborhoods Council Delegate
Section 4. Responsibilities of the Newsletter Coordinator:

  • Coordinate production of the RNA paper newsletter.
  • Solicit and produce content for the newsletter when requested by the Steering Committee.
  • Ensure that a proof copy of each newsletter is reviewed by at least one other Steering Committee member.
  • Obtain a sufficient number of copies for distribution.
  • Whenever appropriate, submit an electronic version to be posted on the RNA website.
Section 5. Responsibilities of the Newsletter Distribution Coordinator

  • Coordinate the process of distributing the RNA Newsletter throughout the Rosedale neighborhood
Section 6. Responsibilities of the Electronic Communications Officer:

  • Set up and manage the electronic mailing lists and discussion boards.
  • Oversee the overall design, creation, and maintenance of the RNA website.
  • Update the RNA website as directed by the Steering Committee.
Section 7. Responsibilities of the Zoning Issues Coordinator

  • Coordinate and appoint others as necessary to track zoning requests for changes presented to the City Council, City Boards, Advisory Groups, and other governmental entities that affect the RNA and surrounding areas.
  • Keep the Steering Committee and community informed of actions by these bodies.
  • Advocate the RNA’s position with these bodies under the direction of the Steering Committee.
Section 8. Responsibilities of the Neighborhood Features and History Coordinator

  • Drive efforts for improvements to neighborhood parks and green spaces.
  • Work with Austin Parks and Recreation to resolve scheduling issues for Ramsey Pool.
  • Coordinate efforts to protect and preserve natural and historical features of the Rosedale neighborhood.
Section 9. Responsibilities of the Neighborhood Events Coordinator

  • Ensure committees are in place to plan and carry out special events, such as the 4th of July Parade and Carnival, the End of Summer Celebration, and Winter Holiday Celebrations
Section 10. Responsibilities of the Community Relations Coordinator

  • Encourage individuals to volunteer as block captains for communication with residents and property owners in smaller areas of Rosedale.
  • Seek input from residents on program needs, as well as member skills and talents.
  • Encourage local participation in activities such as Neighborhood Watch, National Night Out, and the Austin Police Department Commander’s Forum.
  • Coordinate efforts to welcome new residents and property owners to the neighborhood.
Section 11. Responsibilities of the Austin Neighborhoods Council Delegate:

  • Attend all meetings of the Austin Neighborhoods Council or, if unable to attend, arrange for an alternate
  • Serve as liaison between the RNA and the Austin Neighborhoods Council.
  • Work with the Steering Committee to determine RNA’s stance on various resolutions and other issues.
Section 12. The Co-Presidents, with the approval of the Steering Committee, may:

  • Amend on-going roles for at-large steering committee members to meet the evolving needs of the neighborhood.
  • Appoint special committees deemed useful to carrying out the objectives of the RNA. Committee appointments shall be approved by the Steering Committee.

Article VIII: Annual General Meeting and Election Process

Section 1. The annual general meeting of the RNA is to be held during the period from August through December. Officers and At-Large Members of the Steering Committee will be elected at this meeting.
Section 2. At least two months prior to the annual general meeting the Co-President(s) shall appoint a Nominating Committee of at least three Steering Committee members. It is recommended that the Chair of the committee should be an immediate past Co-President.
Section 3. Officer and At-Large Member positions are open to all RNA members who meet the following qualifications:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Demonstrated interest in the RNA via earlier involvement in RNA meetings, committees, or neighborhood issues. The goal is to encourage all neighborhood residents to become involved in the activities of the RNA but to also ensure that, if elected, all nominees will participate fully.
Section 4. The annual general meeting shall be announced via a paper newsletter, the electronic mailing list, and on the RNA website.
Section 5. At the annual meeting, the Nominating Committee shall present the slate of nominees, who will be elected by majority vote of RNA members in attendance. If the slate is not approved, the old officers will be held over and the process repeated at the next regular meeting.

Article IX: Other Meetings and Communication

Section 1. Section 1. The RNA shall schedule regular RNA Steering Committee meetings, with a minimum of one meeting each quarter. The meetings should be set to occur at a regular time throughout the year (for example, the fourth Monday of each month), with the annual schedule determined by the availability of the meeting room. All residents and real property owners are entitled to participate in these meetings.
Section 2. Other meetings shall be at the discretion of the Co-Presidents.
Section 3. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with rules of order as deemed appropriate by the Steering Committee.
Section 4. Steering Committee business can be conducted at impromptu ad hoc meetings, electronically, or by phone, with major decisions or actions reported at the next regular meeting.

Article X: Financial Policies

Section 1. The fiscal year of the RNA shall be the calendar year.
Section 2. Guidelines for RNA membership dues:

  • Annual membership dues are for the purpose of supporting the work of the RNA.
  • RNA membership dues shall be in the amount set by the Steering Committee.
  • The Treasurer shall collect the dues of the RNA.
  • Membership dues shall be collected annually. All residents and property owners are encouraged to pay their membership dues in support of the RNA’s various programs.
Section 3. In order to ensure continued operation and to make funds available if and when needed for special purposes to benefit the neighborhood, the RNA shall have the goal of maintaining a minimum reserve of at least $5000 (exact minimum to be established by the Steering Committee).
Section 4. RNA funds raised to promote a particular purpose may be used only for that purpose. For example, funds raised at the annual Fourth of July Carnival shall be used only for the purposes announced in promotions for the event, such as park improvements and enhancements.
Section 5. All expenditures of RNA funds must be for the benefit of the neighborhood. No part of the RNA funds shall inure to the benefit of any individual.
Section 6. The Steering Committee shall approve expenditures of RNA funds, including reimbursement of expenses related to the performance of RNA business.
Section 7. Checks from the RNA must be signed by the Treasurer or a Co-President.
Section 8. The Treasurer shall complete the appropriate revenue form(s) each year in keeping with federal laws governing non-profit organizations. An accounting firm may be engaged at the discretion of the Steering Committee to perform the function of filing and preparing all Internal Revenue Service requirements.
Section 9. If the RNA ceases to operate, the RNA’s assets, after payment of debts, will be distributed according to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article XI: Prohibitions

Section 1. The RNA is not organized for profit and no profit shall accrue to anyone by virtue of being a member or officer of the RNA.
Section 2. The RNA will not engage in partisan politics and shall not endorse any candidates for political office nor shall discussions extend to matters outside the purpose of the RNA.

Article XII: Amendments

Section 1. These bylaws may be amended when determined necessary by a majority of the Steering Committee.
Section 2. The amended bylaws must be open for review and comment by all residents and real property owners. The process requires a period of three RNA meetings, either regular monthly meetings or the annual meeting.

  • At the first meeting in the sequence, the amendment may be introduced.
  • Shortly after the first meeting, the amended bylaws must be posted online and made available in paper form at the public library adjacent to the Rosedale neighborhood (Yarborough).
  • Soon after the amended bylaws are available, notice must be sent to all residents via the electronic mailing list and a paper newsletter. The notice should briefly explain the nature of the change, tell how to find the full text of the amended and unamended bylaws, and give the timeline for discussion and approval of the amendment.
  • At the second meeting in the sequence, the amendment will be open for discussion. This meeting should include a summary of any discussion that has appeared on the electronic mailing list.
  • At the third meeting in the sequence, final comments will be heard and a vote will be taken from RNA members in attendance.
Section 3. Amended by-laws take effect after they are approved following the process described above. If not approved, comments shall be taken into account, a new version prepared, and this process repeated.



Date and link to version Description of change(s)
February 23, 2009 Minor update of the by-laws to increase the maximum number of individuals allowed to serve on the Steering Committee and to clarify the responsibilities of the co-presidents in tracking members who miss multiple meetings. The clarification of the February 23, 2009, changes describes how the by-laws were updated.
November 26, 2007 Minor update of the by-laws to reflect the need to have a flexible scheduling framework from year to year, depending on the availability of meeting space. The clarification of the November 26, 2007, changes describes the exact changes to the by-laws.
March 19, 2007 Major update of the by-laws to match current practice and introduce procedures not addressed in the original version.
Original version The full history of these by-laws has not been recorded over the years. We do know the original version was established in the late 1970s. In the mid-1990s, we added what we believe to be the original version of the bylaws, essentially unchanged, to the nascent Rosedale website.