Consider joining us next Tuesday evening 7-9 pm at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar Blvd in the Crockett Room (on the south end). We will enjoy the food, elect our 2019 officers and Steering Committee members, and discuss proposed changes to the RNA bylaws.
But mostly this is an excuse to meet and mingle with your neighbors.
To read about the proposed bylaw amendments:
Proposed bylaws: RNA-by-laws-proposed-20181108
Motivation for changes to the by-laws: RNA-by-laws-motivation-20181108
There are a few other items we will discuss, including our meeting schedule for 2019. As you may know, we won’t have a regular library meeting room until the Yarborough Library completes its planned but postponed remodeling.
We will also discuss the changes to Shoal Creek Blvd. proposed by the Shoal Creek Conservancy. Check it out at
We’ll remind you about the Annual Meeting again, but please mark your holiday calendars!
Jeff Archer
RNA President for 2018