Category Archives: About town

Omelettry space ‘mystery deal’ sign of hot local eatery climate

omlettrynov2014You’d have to be on a hunger strike not to be aware of the growth in popular new eateries skirting the northeast corner of Rosedale. Some more established favorites, such as Gusto, Blue Plate, Apothecary, and Pint House Pizza have recently been joined by neighboring newcomers including Fork and Taco and Noble Sandwich. Now an Austin Business Journal article cites speculation about possible interest in the large parcel of land just to the north that is the site for the ‘not long for this hood’ Omelettry restaurant. Given all this, plus other new restau’s in the Lo-Burn corridor, might we be in for yet another hot, local eatery?

Austin expands recycling program: Plastics!

recycleThe City of Austin has expanded its recycling program to include many more hard plastics such as laundry baskets, pet carriers, dish drainers and trash cans.  These plastics can be manufactured into things like ice scrapers, rakes, battery cables, plastic lumber, fencing and more. All items must fit into the blue trash can with the lid closed. Any metal parts should be removed and all items should be rinsed before recycling. Only hard plastics are accepted; plastic foam, plastic bags, and plastic wrap are still not allowed.

Update on State disposition on Bull Creek Road property

state landFront page, above the fold: Bull Creek Road land vote in today’s Austin American-Statesman:

Council votes to seek Bull Creek Road land
Austin will buy out 300 more homes on flood-prone creeks.
Two major land purchases dominated the Tuesday meeting at which the Austin City Council approved a $3.5 billion budget for the coming year.
The City Council agreed to negotiate with the state to buy 75 acres of highly coveted land at Bull Creek Road and 45th Street for nearly $29 million. It also decided to spend $78 million to buy out about 300 more homes along flood-prone Onion Creek and Williamson Creek.

Read the complete article at the Austin-American Statesman (paywall). This information is also available on the Bull Creek Coalition’s Facebook page.

State moving forward on land at Bull Creek and 45th

Land to be offered for sale at 45th and Bull Creek RoadAccording to an article in the August 23rd Austin American-Statesman, state officials are moving forward with plans to dispose of the largely undeveloped 75 acre tract at 45th Street and Bull Creek Road. According to the article one developer has a proposal in the works and another is considering whether to submit one.

The first step in the process is offering the land at fair market value to local government agencies, such as the city of Austin and AISD.   If nothing comes of that sealed bids would be solicited in September or October.

Nearby neighborhoods, including Rosedale, across Shoal Creek, are described in the article as

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Waterloo Ice House on 38th to reopen as Doc’s Motorworks

Docs-Motorworks-38th-Street_082923A couple of sources report that Waterloo Ice House, at the corner of 38th Street and Medical Parkway, has closed and will reopen as a new location for the Doc’s Motorworks Bar and Garage chain. The opening is slated for around tax day (April 15th) and was precipitated by a mismatch between the site and the direction the owners of Waterloo Ice House are taking the chain. At least one of the owners is a part of both the old and new establishments.

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Omelettry restaurant relocating to Airport Boulevard

Omlettry is moving!After 36 years serving Rosedale residents (and others) down home breakfast fare from the corner of Burnet and West 49th, the Omelettry is reluctantly relocating east to Airport Boulevard. The new location, just north of In and Out Burgers, will have a larger kitchen, a huge parking lot, and more booths and counter seats. The Omelettry will continue to operate at their current location, 4811 Burnet Road, until their new home is ready which is expected to open  in October, 2014.

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Sunshine Gardens Annual Benefit Plant Sale

sunshineplantsaleflyer2014The annual Sunshine Gardens Benefit Plant Sale will happen on Saturday, March 1st, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.. You can fill your spring garden with organic and heirloom vegetable starts and herbs at Sunshine Community Gardens Plant Sale. Choose from over 130 colorful varieties of tomatoes, 70 varieties of peppers, 15 varieties of eggplant, 5 varieties of tomatillos and a wide selection of herbs, ornamentals and more. Nourish those babies and the rest of your garden with bag-your-own compost

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Fewer stops for new MetroRapid but one is named Rosedale

capmetrorapid2014 will see a new chapter in the saga of Austin transit. The new MetroRapid promises faster trips, free wifi, and a mobile app for buying tickets and knowing when a bus will arrive. There are a number of factors in delivering a faster ride, including the ability to influence stop lights and dedicated lanes, but also less frequent (and thus fewer) stops. One of those stops will be named for Rosedale and will be part of the Burnet/Lamar route 803.

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Business vacate North Lamar Boulevard shopping center

businesses_vacateCommunity Impact Newspaper helps explain what’s happening on the north west corner of Lamar and 38th Street. According to the article the property is being vacated to make way for a new vertical mixed-use project. The only details revealed were that the first floor will be retail shops with offices making up the balance of the building. Well known existing tenants, such as Precision Camera and Russell Korman Fine Jewelry have relocated to new homes on Anderson and further north on Burnet Road, respectively. The RNA did not object to the project as no zoning changes were necessary.