Category Archives: Crime

Police invite all to Commander’s Forum July 1st

AustinPolicePatch2008_0Officer Josh Metteauer reminds us about the upcoming City of Austin Police Commander’s Forum for Region 1 (Central West, North Central, Downtown). This quarter’s Forum will be held at Cornerstone Church at 1101 Reinli Street on Tuesday July 1, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. All are invited to come and meet Commander Mahoney and your District Representatives. Learn what’s going on, crime-wise, in the area and what you can do to not be a victim. See the city’s web site for information about the forums.

Statesman: Avoid the bike theft trend in north central Austin

bicycleRosedale is just south of the neighborhood featured in an Austin American-Statesman article this week about a rash of bicycle thefts. Police point to 30 burglaries in the past five months, many of them involving expensive bikes. Speculation is that the thieves are using a variety of techniques to figure out which residences house such high-end cycles, including monitoring smartphone biking apps,  online social networks, Craigslist, and just watching for cars with nice bikes (or even just nice bike carriers).

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Austin Police Commander’s Forum: April 1 at McCallum High

AustinPolicePatch2008_0Want to know how to protect your residence? Interested to know which way crime is trending in the area? Get it straight from the team who works to keep you and yours safe. The Commander’s Forum gives you an option to hear from those who serve and protect. April 1st Commander’s Forum, for our ‘sector’ (Region 1, North Central) takes place Tuesday, April 1, 2014 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at McCallum High School, 5600 Sunshine Drive. Improve your security and let Austin’s finest know we care about having a safe neighborhood.