Category Archives: Projects

RNA’s semi-monthly meeting August 20th, 7pm

Rudy's BBQ on North LamarTUESDAY AUG 20 — The RNA will hold its bi-monthly meeting 7:00-8:30 pm at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar.  The agenda will be posted later, but we plan for an update on the new city-wide rewrite of the City of Austin zoning code, progress on the proposed footbridge over Shoal Creek connecting to the Grove, and many other important and interesting items relevant to folks in Rosedale.

All Rosedale residents are welcome as always.  Free BBQ and sides available!

Ramsey Park opens today, ribbon cutting to happen March 7

parkopenIt’s been a while, and lots of work and help by lots of great people, but the enhancements to Ramsey Park are finally opening today! Most of the play ground is already open and usable. There’s a ribbon cutting ceremony planned from 1-3 p.m. on March 7th with the actual ceremony at 1:30. The mayor will be there with city staff and some food and drink. There’s also an It’s My Park Day volunteer project for the Ramsey park field that same day at 9 AM. Learn more about helping with that, and the evolution of the Ramsey Park improvements on the park’s FaceBook page. Note that a few areas of the park will remain fenced off to allow the newly sprayed-on grass seed to regrow. 

Ramsey Park Revitalization Project moving forward

Information about the project to improve Ramsey Park appeared on the Rosedale Neighborhood listserv in late May, as well as in the Rosedalian newsletter at the end of June 2012. Watch the Ramsey Park overview page for updates as the project moves along. You can download the spreadsheet of suggestions and the initial draft of the Ramsey Park Master Plan from this page.

Storm Drain Project and Ramsey Park Staging

City of Austin representatives met with Rosedale neighbors on Jan 24, 2011 to present their plans for Phase II of the Storm Drain Improvement project — scheduled to start mid-February and end by June 2012. Their purpose is to reduce the incidence of overland flooding of neighborhood residences and property. The project will be an inconvenience for a while and the northeast corner of Ramsey Park will be used as the staging area. However, the City promises $220,000 in improvements to the Park after the project.

Rosedale Traffic Calming Project 2008

Rosedale has been selected for a Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project by the City of Austin Transportation Division. A Working Group that includes neighborhood residents and city representatives is developing a plan for traffic calming in Rosedale. Once completed, the City will distribute this plan to all Rosedale addresses for a final vote. If approved, the City intends to implement the plan by Fall 2008. Read more.