The Rosedale Neighborhood holds several Independence Day events every year, centered around Ramsey Park. See the schedule for the 2015 celebration and find out about volunteering.
The annual July 4th Promenade Around the Park begins at the NW corner of Ramsey Park at 10am. At 9:30am, neighborhood children and guests are invited to come to the park and decorate their bikes and wagons with streamers before the the promenade begins.
Watermelon Feast
Water Balloon Tossing Contest
Imagine two long lines, with contestants paired up, tossing water-filledballoons back and forth! After each toss, the distance between the two lines is increased, increasing the challenge of tossing the balloon gently between the partners. The lines slowly shrink in size as drenched partners laugh over broken balloons. The last pair standing with an intact balloon becomes the new champions!
Children’s Carnival
After the Children’s Parade, volunteers set up a carnival with games, crafts, and activities for kids of all ages. Tickets are available for sale, with all proceeds going to the Ramsey Park Fund for park improvements. The carnival normally runs from about 10:30am to 12:00noon. Volunteers with an idea for a booth or an interest in helping are always welcome! The activities don’t have to be elaborate … a perennial favorite is the fingernail painting booth! We also seek donations of “Happy Meal” type toys to give away at the various booths as prizes.
Bake Sale
Isn’t it funny how a celebration makes everyone hungry?! We seek donations of baked items to sell throughout the time of the carnival. Local vendors donate items such as breakfast tacos and kolaches to round out the offerings. In addition, there are cold drinks available for purchase.