Rosedale’s July 4th celebration for 2020

Please join us for a patriotic neighborhood self-guided experience!!


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay (Public Domain)

Due to COVID-19 and the necessary precautions, this year’s July 4th celebrations are of a very different nature. The Rosedale Neighborhood Association invites neighbors to participate in a patriotic neighborhood hunt instead! We can’t be together in the traditional way, but we can still celebrate.

Three ways to participate!
(1) Decorate for others to enjoy
(2) Safely explore the neighborhood to admire
(3) Share photos!

See below for details. Questions? Contact Vicki Almstrum,


  • Set up patriotic decorations in your yard, in your windows, on your house.
  • Timing:
    • Ready to view by 8am on July 4th.
    • Remain up until at least the evening of July 11th.
  • Ideas for decorations — use your imagination!
    • A flag hung from your home
    • A stuffed animal in a patriotic outfit
    • A chalk-decorated sidewalk near the street
    • A yard sign with patriotic decorations
    • A balloon arrangement
    • A decorated vehicle parked in front of the house.
  • Register your address here:

Explore July 4th – July 11th!

Share photos!


Rosedale RNA Meeting June 15, 2020

july4th-joyce-brown-flagDear Rosedale Neighbors,

As you may remember, Rosedale has held a children’s parade and carnival on the 4th of July at Ramsey Park for decades, followed for many of us with a nice cool dip in Ramsey Pool.  Alas, we will be unable to hold these events as usual this 4th of July.  Restrictions on gatherings and other practical consideration make the carnival and other activities impossible to hold in the traditional way this year.  In addition, the city has no plans to open Ramsey Pool this summer.  You may have noticed they just drained the pool.

The Rosedale Neighborhood Association Steering Committee is considering whether to organize a simple alternative 4th of July activity. One idea is a bicycle/walking parade with flags and decorated masks and proper social distancing.  Another idea is a charity parade or event collecting in-kind or cash donations for the Central Texas Food Bank, All Together ATX, or another local organization.  Please put on your thinking caps and share your own ideas for something special for the 4th that would be simple, fun, and rewarding, despite the restrictions.  Ideally it needs to be something that each participant can prepare for their self, and that does not require in-person group preparation or clean-up.

To discuss the 4th of July in Rosedale, the RNA Steering Committee will hold a virtual ZOOM meeting on Monday, June 15, from 7 pm to 8:15 or so.  In the meantime, you may post ideas here on our listserve or email me at

Instructions for accessing the ZOOM meeting are posted below.  Keep in mind we haven’t done a meeting in this way before, so expect the unexpected and be patient with us and the technology.

Please mark your calendar to join the RNA Steering Committee on ZOOM at 7 pm on June 15 to discuss the 4th of July. You may speak your piece or just be a fly on the screen, but we’d love to touch base with everyone!

More soon.  Thanks for your valuable time!

Jeff Archer
RNA Co-President

Zoom-invitation to join the meeting

Topic: RNA June Meeting
Time: Jun 15, 2020 07:00-8:15 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 941 5251 7280
Password: 485912
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Meeting ID: 941 5251 7280
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RNA Meeting Monday, Feb. 10, 7-8:30 pm at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar

Rudy's BBQ on North LamarThe RNA will meet on Monday evening, February 10 at 7:00pm at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar Blvd in the Crockett Room (on the south end). During this meeting we will elect RNA officers and Steering Committee members for 2020; nominations will be posted later this week.

We will also discuss the current state of the Land Development Code (LDC) Revision (the CodeNEXT continuation), which the City Council will be taking up at a series of meeting next week. City staff, working at the direction of Council, has recently unveiled an updated map of the proposed new zoning. The updated map includes changes in the Rosedale area along 45th Street but appears to leave other upzoning in place as it affects Rosedale. We are beginning to analyze the most recent changes and hope to have more information at the February 10 meeting.

Thanks to everyone who cares about our city and our neighborhood. We hope to see you at Rudy’s on February 10 at 7 pm!

Jeff Archer
RNA President

RNA Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 3, 7-8:30 pm at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar

Rudy's BBQ on North LamarThe RNA will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 7-8:30 pm at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar in the Crocket Room.

  • Updates on developments regarding the ongoing rewrite of the City of Austin Land Development Code (LDC), referred to by many as the next CodeNEXT.
  • Capital Metro with updates on their long-term plans for new transit routes and services.
  • Consider an application for permit parking on a small stretch of 40th Street.
  • Discussion of RNA officers and steering committee members for 2020. We would love to have some new faces on the steering committee. It’s interesting and critically important.
  • Plus other important or interesting items relevant to folks in Rosedale!

All Rosedale residents welcome as always. Free BBQ snacks and sides available! Thanks to all for caring about your neighborhood and city!

Jeff Archer
RNA President 2019

RNA’s regular meeting October 8th, 7pm

Rosedale Kitchen & BarThe Rosedale Neighborhood Association meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 7-9 pm will be held at the new Rosedale Kitchen and Bar at 39th & Lamar (in Lamar Central). More details on meeting logistics will follow.

This meeting will be devoted to discussion of the City of Austin’s proposed rewrite of the Land Development (Zoning) Code, which is slated to be released in a staff report, including maps of the transition zones, on October 4.

Please follow related announcements on the Rosedale Yahoo! group, particularly those from Carl Reynolds, RNA’s zoning and development point person.

We will have city council member representatives at the RNA meeting to help answer our questions and describe the process, including upcoming opportunities for public comment.

I’d like to extend enormous thanks to both Rosedale Kitchen & Bar and Rudy’s Bar-B-Q on North Lamar for their willingness to help RNA out with meeting space.

Thanks Rosedale!

Jeff Archer, RNA President for 2019 

RNA’s semi-monthly meeting August 20th, 7pm

Rudy's BBQ on North LamarTUESDAY AUG 20 — The RNA will hold its bi-monthly meeting 7:00-8:30 pm at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar.  The agenda will be posted later, but we plan for an update on the new city-wide rewrite of the City of Austin zoning code, progress on the proposed footbridge over Shoal Creek connecting to the Grove, and many other important and interesting items relevant to folks in Rosedale.

All Rosedale residents are welcome as always.  Free BBQ and sides available!

Live from Ramsey Pool: It’s SATURDAY NIGHT POOL PARTY!

Dear Neighbors,

A reminder about the celebration to close down Ramsey Park Pool for this summer. The party will be on Saturday, August 17th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The Rosedale Neighborhood Association (RNA) will provide music, water, soft drinks, and snacks. Bring food to share or just come and say good-bye to the pool for 2019. See ya there!

Richard & Kim Relph
RNA Steering Committee Members 

RNA Meeting Tuesday, June 18 at Rudy’s

The next meeting of the Rosedale Neighborhood Association will be held in the back room at Rudy’s BBQ on Tuesday, June 18, at 7 pm. This is in lieu of the regularly scheduled meeting for June 4, which is cancelled.

The June 18 meeting will focus primarily on the City of Austin’s new rewrite of the Land Development Code. The current rewrite revisits many of the same goals and changes that were proposed by CodeNext, and has the same potential to profoundly change the way Rosedale and the remainder of the city develops. It is on a fast track, and has substantial council support. I urge everyone in Rosedale to become informed regarding this matter. 

Some comments from Council Member Leslie Pool regarding the new code rewrite are posted here:

Recent comments from Council Member Alison Alter are here:

The official site for the Land Development Code is:

Thanks everyone. Additional announcements will follow as we approach June 18.

Jeff ArcherRNA
President for 2019 

RNA Meeting Tuesday, April 2 at Rudy’s

Dear Neighbors,

The Rosedale Neighborhood Association steering committee will hold its regular, now bimonthly, meeting on Tuesday evening, February 5, 2019, at 7 pm and should conclude by 8:30 pm (come at 6:30 pm for dinner if you’d like), at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar in the Crockett Room (south end of the restaurant).

The agenda will include:

  1. The striping of Shoal Creek Blvd.
  2. The foot bridge over Shoal Creek and survey
  3. HHSC and Austin State Hospital Campus redevelopment
  4. Zoning and development issues