RNA Meeting Monday, Feb. 10, 7-8:30 pm at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar

Rudy's BBQ on North LamarThe RNA will meet on Monday evening, February 10 at 7:00pm at Rudy’s BBQ on Lamar Blvd in the Crockett Room (on the south end). During this meeting we will elect RNA officers and Steering Committee members for 2020; nominations will be posted later this week.

We will also discuss the current state of the Land Development Code (LDC) Revision (the CodeNEXT continuation), which the City Council will be taking up at a series of meeting next week. City staff, working at the direction of Council, has recently unveiled an updated map of the proposed new zoning. The updated map includes changes in the Rosedale area along 45th Street but appears to leave other upzoning in place as it affects Rosedale. We are beginning to analyze the most recent changes and hope to have more information at the February 10 meeting.

Thanks to everyone who cares about our city and our neighborhood. We hope to see you at Rudy’s on February 10 at 7 pm!

Jeff Archer
RNA President