RNA neighbor meeting – Monday, February 22

cropped-RosedaleLetterhead_Ronly.jpgDear Rosedale,

The Rosedale Neighborhood Association will hold its regular monthly meeting on all things Rosedale on Monday evening, February 22, 2016, at 6:45 pm at the Yarborough Library on Hancock.

This month’s agenda will include:

  • A presentation introducing the city’s Smart Trips Program, by Becky Moriarty, Community Services Program Manager for the City of Austin. The program promotes alternate transportation to better manage congestion and contribute to a healthy environment. A brochure describing the program is attached. There will be an Open House for the program at the Yarborough Library (how convenient is that!) on Tuesday, February 23, from 6 pm to 7 pm.
  • An update on doings at Ramsey Park, including follow-up tree mulching planned for It’s My Park Day, Saturday, March 5, from 9 am to 1 pm. Think volunteer opportunity! See https://austinparks.givepulse.com/event/15963-Ramsey-Park-Mulch-our-trees%21
  • Ongoing discussions regarding The Grove, including the current status of the proposed development, reports of recent meetings, and plans for a pedestrian-bicycle bridge over Shoal Creek.
  • A couple of pending or upcoming zoning matters, including a Board of Adjustment (BOA) Special Exception case for 1200 W. 39 1/2 St. and BOA variance case for setbacks/impervious cover for “The Village at Triangle Ave.” in the Triangle.

We welcome discussion of anything else you are interested in bringing up… surprise us!

Please attend if you want to be in the know or participate in the discussion.

Hope to see you there!

Jeff Archer

RNA Co-President