As you may remember, Rosedale has held a children’s parade and carnival on the 4th of July at Ramsey Park for decades, followed for many of us with a nice cool dip in Ramsey Pool. Alas, we will be unable to hold these events as usual this 4th of July. Restrictions on gatherings and other practical consideration make the carnival and other activities impossible to hold in the traditional way this year. In addition, the city has no plans to open Ramsey Pool this summer. You may have noticed they just drained the pool.
The Rosedale Neighborhood Association Steering Committee is considering whether to organize a simple alternative 4th of July activity. One idea is a bicycle/walking parade with flags and decorated masks and proper social distancing. Another idea is a charity parade or event collecting in-kind or cash donations for the Central Texas Food Bank, All Together ATX, or another local organization. Please put on your thinking caps and share your own ideas for something special for the 4th that would be simple, fun, and rewarding, despite the restrictions. Ideally it needs to be something that each participant can prepare for their self, and that does not require in-person group preparation or clean-up.
To discuss the 4th of July in Rosedale, the RNA Steering Committee will hold a virtual ZOOM meeting on Monday, June 15, from 7 pm to 8:15 or so. In the meantime, you may post ideas here on our listserve or email me at
Instructions for accessing the ZOOM meeting are posted below. Keep in mind we haven’t done a meeting in this way before, so expect the unexpected and be patient with us and the technology.
Please mark your calendar to join the RNA Steering Committee on ZOOM at 7 pm on June 15 to discuss the 4th of July. You may speak your piece or just be a fly on the screen, but we’d love to touch base with everyone!
More soon. Thanks for your valuable time!
Jeff Archer
RNA Co-President
Zoom-invitation to join the meeting
Topic: RNA June Meeting
Time: Jun 15, 2020 07:00-8:15 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 941 5251 7280
Password: 485912
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