About the RNA

In the mid 1970’s, a group of Rosedale residents joined together to encourage all Rosedale neighbors to oppose the City of Austin’s decision to close the neighborhood fire station located on Hancock. Neighborhood residents were successful in their endeavor. Fire Station #12 is still located on Hancock and its firefighters involved daily in activities that provide for the health and safety of everyone who lives in Rosedale.

Soon after the successful effort to keep the fire station open, this group of neighbors began the process of organizing the Rosedale Neighborhood Association. The goal of the neighborhood association was to preserve the residential character of Rosedale, to save the housing stock, and to maintain the city services and infrastructure in this older mixed-use neighborhood. Ramsey Park was the center of neighborhood activity and everyone wanted to preserve the park as the focal point of social interaction for Rosedale residents. These goals have persisted throughout the thirty years since then as Rosedale residents have joined together to preserve the neighborhood and make it the great place that we call home.