By-laws prior to 3/19/2007


  1. Article I: Name
  2. Article II: Purpose
  3. Article III: Objectives
  4. Article IV: Composition of the Association
  5. Article V: Steering Committee
  6. Article VI: Officers
  7. Article VII: Election of Officers and Steering Committee Members
  8. Article VIII: Meetings
  9. Article IX: Committees
  10. Article X: Fiscal Year, Dues, and Service Fees
  11. Article XI: Financial Policies
  12. Article XII: Prohibitions

Article I: Name


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Rosedale Neighborhood Association, a non-profit organization, hereinafter referred to as the Association.


Article II: Purpose


Section 1. The purpose of the Association is to seek to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood in matters such as land use, environmental protection, public services, consumer protection, and other matters of neighborhood concern.
Section 2. To foster a closer, more genuine community of neighbors.
Section 3. To provide a forum — through meetings of the Association and its committees — for pursuing a variety of goals beneficial to the community.
Section 4. Specifically, however, the Association will not engage in partisan politics to achieve any purposes, nor will the Association endorse or otherwise support partisan political affairs.
Section 5. The Association is not organized for profit and no profit shall accrue to anyone by virtue of being a member or officer of the Association.


Article III: Objectives


Section 1. The objectives of the Association are to:

  1. Represent and advance the interests of residents in the neighborhood.
  2. Keep all residents informed of issues vital to the neighborhood by appropriate communications and meetings.
  3. Establish Standing and Special committees to investigate and make recommendations to the Association on all matters of neighborhood concern.
  4. Facilitate the education of residents regarding all available options open to them relating to the problems of home ownership, zoning, rights, and to facilitate the education of residents regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Rosedale area natural features.
  5. Observe and work on land utilization and zoning problems within the boundaries of the Association and its adjoining areas.
  6. Work toward development and preservation of natural green spaces, parks, trees, landscaping and general land use management in Rosedale.
  7. Establish mutual protection and safety for residences and businesses.
  8. Improve safety of the streets through better traffic control.


Article IV: Composition of the Association


Section 1. Boundaries: Membership in the Association shall be open to all residents and property owners within the following boundaries:

  • North: North Loop / Hancock Drive
  • South: 38th Street
  • East: Lamar / Burnet Road
  • West: Shoal Creek proper
Section 2. Membership

  • There shall be three classifications of members in the Association: one active, one inactive, and one honorary.
  • Active memberships shall be available to individuals upon payment of Association dues.
  • Inactive memberships shall be granted to individuals upon request. Inactive members shall pay no Association dues and shall have no vote.
  • Honorary membership shall be conferred upon persons who have performed services which tend to further the purpose of the association. The election of honorary members shall be by a majority vote. Honorary members shall not vote and shall pay no Association dues.
Section 3. All members are pledged to uphold and abide by the By-Laws of the Association.


Article V: Steering Committee


Section 1. The affairs and activities of the Association shall be administered by a Steering Committee which shall consist of the elected officers together with the immediate past president and sufficient elected members to bring the total membership of the Steering Committee to eleven.
Section 2. A vacancy existing on the Steering Committee from any cause other than expiration of office shall be filled by the Steering Committee for the expired term.
Section 3. The office of any member of the Steering Committee who fails to attend three consecutive committee meetings without show of reasonable cause shall be declared vacant by the Steering Committee.
Section 4. The Steering Committee shall meet at least four times annually. Other meetings shall be at the discretion of the President or upon written request of at least three members of the Steering Committee.
Section 5. One-half of the members of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum at all meetings.
Section 6. Minutes of the regular meetings of the Steering Committee shall be made available to any Association member upon request.


Article VI: Officers


Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Delegate to the Austin Neighborhoods Council, and Liaison Officer. These officers shall be elected annually in a manner hereafter provided for and shall serve for one year terms or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. It is hoped that an individual will not serve more than two consecutive terms of any one office. A husband and wife may occupy one office and serve as a team; however, if this is done, theirs will constitute only one vote.
Section 2. The President shall be the chair of the Steering Committee. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Steering Committee and shall direct and administer the affairs of the Association as its executive head, subject to the directions of the Steering Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member, without vote, of all committees, except that he shall not be a member of the Nominating Committee or the Election Committee.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall fulfill the duties of the President when the President is unable to act. The Vice-President shall succeed to the office of the President in the event said office becomes vacant by the death of the President or by declaration of the Steering Committee. The Vice-President shall also serve as Parliamentarian for this Association at all meetings of the Association and the Steering Committee. The Vice-President shall be the chair of the Program Committee.
Section 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties usually belonging to the office. Specifically the Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a minute book of all Association meetings and of all regular meetings of the Steering Committee. The Secretary shall also keep records of membership, send out notices of meetings of the Steering Committee, committees and the membership, and execute other duties of the office. The Treasurer shall receive and have custody of all monies of the Association, depositing same in such depository as shall be selected by the Steering Committee. The Treasurer shall make disbursements for all Association activities. The Treasurer shall present financial reports to the Steering Committee and to the Association membership at meetings. The Treasurer shall serve as the Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee. This office may be divided into two separate offices at the discretion of the Steering Committee.
Section 5. The Editor shall be responsible for the publication of the Association newsletter, the number and frequency of which will be determined by a vote of the Steering Committee. Notice of all Association meetings shall be printed in the newsletter. A proof copy of the newsletter will be reviewed by a member of the Steering Committee appointed by the President.
Section 6. The Austin Neighborhoods Council Delegate shall attend all meetings of the Austin Neighborhoods Council and shall be responsible for all communication between the Association and the Austin Neighborhoods Council. A first and second alternate delegate shall be appointed each year by the Executive Committee to serve in case of the Austin Neighborhood Council Delegate’s absence.
Section 7. The Liaison Officer shall be responsible for communication between the Steering Committee and area leaders. The Liaison Officer shall be responsible for distribution of the Association Newsletter and shall chair the Community Relations Committee.
Section 8. All Association members may be compensated for costs of stenographic service and other expenses related to the performance of Association business.
Section 9. The Steering Committee shall appoint an Association member to assume the responsibilities of any office which may become vacant between elections.
Section 10. An Executive Vice-President or Executive Secretary may be engaged to serve in either a paid or non-paid capacity at the discretion of the Steering Committee. Duties shall be assigned to the office of the Executive Vice-President or Executive Secretary at the discretion of the Steering Committee.


Article VII: Election of Officers and Steering Committee Members


Section 1. Association Officers and Steering Committee members shall be nominated, elected and installed at a meeting of the Association to be held during the period of August through December, annually. At least two months prior to the nominating and election meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of at least five members. The Chair of the committee shall be the immediate past association president, and no more than three members of the Steering Committee.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall report nominees for Association offices and Steering Committee membership during the nominating/election meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the nominating meeting.


Article VIII: Meetings


Section 1. The Association shall hold at least one regular meeting per year, during the period of August through December. Said meeting shall be for the nomination, election, and installation of officers and members of the Steering Committee in accordance with Article VII, Sections 1 and 2. It is the intent of the drafters of the By-Laws to encourage meetings to be held of the Association at least once per quarter.
Section 2. Upon seven days notice to the Association membership, special meetings may be called by the President or the Steering Committee or upon the written request of ten percent of the members in good standing. The purpose of special meetings shall be specified in the call.
Section 3. A quorum at any regular or special meeting shall consist of ten percent of the total Association members in good standing.
Section 4. All meetings are to be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
Section 5. All dues-paying members will be entitled to participate in meetings or other activities; however, only members 18 years of age or older shall have the right to make motions, vote in Association meetings and hold office.


Article IX: Committees


Section 1. Standing Committees — The following Committees will be formed to carry out the purpose of the Rosedale Neighborhood Association. Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President, shall be members of the Rosedale Neighborhood Association with an interest in and willingness to serve on the particular committee. Committee Chairs shall appoint their own committee members.

  • Nominating Committee — This committee shall
    1. Nominate new members to the Steering Committee whenever a vacancy occurs.
    2. Nominate officers to be presented to the Association meetings.
    3. Contact members who have missed two consecutive meetings to determine if the member is still able to serve.
    4. Act as a resource for the President and committee chairs as they staff the committee.
  • Action Committee — This committee will be aware of any actions of the City Council, School Board or any other governmental group which affects the Rosedale Neighborhood Association and Surrounding areas and will keep the Steering Committee and community informed when necessary. This committee will advocate our position with these bodies under the direction of the Steering Committee.
  • Budget and Finance — This committee will oversee the operating budget and with the approval of the Steering Committee initiate any fund-raising activities.
  • Community Relations — This committee will organize a system of communication with the neighborhood by appointing block captains. This committee will seek input from residents on program needs, skills and talents available to both the program and organization and organize this material so it can be utilized readily by other committees.
  • Program Committee –The Vice-President shall be the Chair of this committee. This committee shall be responsible for programs at Association meetings at the direction of the Steering Committee.
Section 2. Special Committees — The President, with the approval of the Steering Committee, may appoint such other special committees as are needed to carry out the functions of the Association.
Section 3. Committee Appointments — Members of the Standing and the Special Committees shall be members of the Association and appointed by the President and approved by the Steering Committee. Vacancies of unexpired terms shall be filled by the President with the approval of the Steering Committee.


Article X: Fiscal Year, Dues and Service Fees


Section 1. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from January 1 to December 31.
Section 2. Association Membership Dues

  1. Association membership dues for all members shall be set by the Steering Committee and approved by two-thirds of the members in good standing present at any regular meeting.
  2. Invoices for Association dues will be issued. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to collect the dues of the Association.
  3. Membership dues shall be payable on January 1 of each year. Any members not paying their dues by April 1 of the year due shall be dropped from Association membership and all Association services shall be discontinued.
  4. Members delinquent in the payment of dues shall be reinstated with the payment of back dues.
  5. No Association dues will be paid by inactive or honorary members.


Article XI: Financial Policies


Section 1. It shall be the goal of the Association to establish, as soon as practical, a reserve of $5,000 to ensure continued operation and so that funds will be available if and when needed for special purposes. Once such a reserve is established, it will be the policy to use surplus funds, if any, to further the purpose of the Association rather than to permit such funds to become sterile in accumulation.
Section 2. The Treasurer shall complete the appropriate revenue form(s) each year in keeping with federal laws governing no-profit organizations. An accounting firm may be engaged at the discretion of the Steering Committee to perform the function of filing and preparing all Internal Revenue Service requirements.
Section 3. No part of the net income of the Association shall inure to the benefit of any individual member or person.
Section 4. Checks are to be cosigned by a member of the Steering Committee.


Article XII: Prohibitions


Date Description of change(s)
Original version The full history of these by-laws has not been recorded over the years. We do know the original version was established in the late 1970s. In the mid-1990s, we added what we believe to be the original version of the bylaws, essentially unchanged, to the nascent Rosedale website.