RNA Meeting Minutes – 2011 July

The meeting began at 6:50 pm on Monday July 25 at the Yarborough Library.


August meeting is scheduled to fall on the first day of school. There is a motion to cancel the meeting if no important agenda items show up. Nicole is unable to attend.

RNA Officers Election: a nominating committee will be formed in time for the Oct meeting. Joyce will participate in the committee and will contact Vicki to possibly lead the group. Other possible volunteers include Mindy, Kim, Nicole, and Dianne.

Carnival: The event was a big success and thanks were given to all volunteers. RNA brought in about $2000 from the event.
There was a discussion on how to use the funds in the park. A suggestion was made to replace the two water fountains with newer models that also have a dog bowl feature. New picnic tables are needed and would also be a good idea. It was suggested that the SC compile a short list of items and then present to the general listserve using survey format. Sunitha agreed to lead the committee, Dianne, Kim, Nicole, others will help.

There is concern over the newly planted trees not getting enough water. We will ask Denise to look into getting city water trucks to keep watering them at our cost.
We will ask Treefolks for their ideas.

Newsletter: The next newsletter will announce the annual meeting Oct 24 and will include info about park fund usage ides. We need story/timeline info from Karen.

Traffic/parking: Due to unanswered questions regarding RPP, we hope to compile a block captain listing to post on RNA website. George volunteered to contact the Heaths/Karen re: collecting dues. Is there an annual renewal required or just pay for
the passes?

Community: National Night Out is Tues Oct 4th. Applications are due Sept 16. End of summer pool party: Sat August 27th
5-7 pm. It was suggested that the RNA provide and pay for food and beverages as a neighborhood thank you. Jeff will look into music and Kim and Richard volunteered to bring food/drinks/tablecloths.
Sign/ email notice: Nicole.

Due to apparent recent crime at Le Med Apartments Sandy will contact the manager to see if we can be of any help in this area.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Aletha St.Romain
Rosedale Neighborhood Association