RNA Meeting Minutes – 2015 April

April 27, 2015 – Dale Gray, President of the Rosedale Neighborhood Association welcomed all and called the meeting to order.

The agenda included:

  • A project update from (and opportunity to provide input to) the developer of The Grove at Bull Creek (the former state land)
  • An update on the additional improvements still planned for Ramsey Park
  • Discussion about the air conditioner noise from the Health and Human Services Commission property
  • Information about vandalism happening at the Rosedale School

Project update from (and opportunity to provide input to) the developer  of The Grove at Bull Creek (the former state land)

Garrett Martin, President and CEO of Milestone, Jason Meeker, in charge of community engagement for Milestone, and Robert Deegan with Norris Design Team gave an overview of the development planned for the 75 acres at Bull Creek and 45th St. The full presentation is on their website at www.Milestonebullcreek.com

Their goal is to build the Grove as a legacy-quality neighborhood and model for innovative mixed-use urban infill development. They met with the Rosedale Neighborhood Association for reaction and to gather further input.

Martin, Meeker and Deegan discussed key elements of the conceptual master plan. There was significant concern from the audience and lengthy discussion about density of the proposed development and its impact on the surrounding community. Also, Milestone’s proposed density depicted in the illustrative plan differs from the Development Assessment application recently submitted to the City of Austin.

Highlights of the discussion are summarized below:

Milestone said the proposed density is based on the input received from their survey and the guiding principles of the Bull Creek Road Coalition. Milestone was questioned about the difference in proposed density in the illustrative plan and the development assessment. Milestone responded that the development assessment is not the final zoning. They hope to have a Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning application submitted to the City within 40-50 days.

Taller buildings, up to 75 feet in height, are proposed as shown in the plan. A question was asked about affordability of residences. Milestone is looking into this.

Milestone is proposing an internal trail system and hopes to integrate it with the Shoal Creek Trail System in the Ridgelea Neighborhood, but no definitive plan was produced.

Drainage along the properties fronting Idlewild will be addressed during the site planning processes. Milestone stated that the Shoal Creek flood plain will not change despite the big increase in impervious cover. They intend to construct a wet pond on-site to detain storm flows.

Milestone is in the process of having a traffic impact analysis done. They intend to fully fund and construct improvements at 45th and Bull Creek and Jackson and Bull Creek. The traffic impact analysis shows an increase of approximately 24,000 trips per day, Milestone says their development will only generate 20,000 trips per day.

The current plan for 45th and Bull Creek calls for adding dedicated turn lanes as shown in Milestone’s presentation. Milestone is widening 45th within existing right of way at the Bull Creek intersection, and constructing sidewalks on both sides of the street at the intersection

The proposed improvements currently planned for Jackson and Bull Creek involve constructing lighted traffic signals. Other potential improvements to Bull Creek Road between 38th and 45th may include landscape traffic separators. Milestone is also proposing a trail and landscape buffer along Bull Creek Road.

The developer intends to conduct a multi-modal study to address pedestrian, bicycle navigation/connectivity in the surrounding area. Area to be included in the study is not defined yet, but is anticipated to include the area bounded by Hancock, Burnet, 35th and Mopac. Milestone expects the study to take 90 days for completion including City review. Multiple concerns were expressed about access to the north and south sides of Rosedale. Possible solutions are access points with pedestrian crossing between Bull Creek and Shoal Creek with mid-block crossing/ red flashing lights. Garrett Martin said that Milestone is fully committed to improving the traffic situation along 45th. Access to the east side of the Grove is not planned, but low-water crossing or bridge options were discussed. Milestone would like a Shoal Creek crossing be part of the multi-modal study.

Construction will begin as soon as possible and anticipated to be completed in 5-7 years. Milestone’s intent is to begin building single family residences first. A hotline will be set up to address construction activity.

Update on the additional improvements still planned for Ramsey Park

Dale Gray gave an update on the Ramsey Park renovations.
– Have completed basic renovations to the pavilion
– Still working on cleaning up the pool house and adding an aerator
– Identified two new water fountain locations and agreed to removal of the fountain by the ball field (plumbing issues)
– Working on fitness area location, shade options for nature play area, and tree planting plan for the Fall.
– Ordering additional picnic tables and bleachers

For those desiring to have bricks and pavers inscribed, these need to be submitted before May 19th. Please visit ramseypark.org for more information.

Lighting on the tennis courts was raised as a concern. Dale asked her to send an email about this to Alison Alter.

We need someone to volunteer as a mulch captain for the picnic table area for May 20 or May 22.

Air conditioner noise from the Health and Human Services Commission property

The air conditioner problems at Health and Human Services were not discussed.

Vandalism happening at the Rosedale School

The Rosedale School was vandalized twice in the last month. Anyone having information is encouraged to contact Elizabeth Dickey, Rosedale School Principal or the Austin Police Department.

Additional Items

Jay Carpenter said that June 15 is the deadline to submit articles for newsletter.

Mindy Marble is recruiting volunteers for the July 4 celebration, especially parents of young children.

The meeting ended at approximately 9:00pm.

Alison Beck
Steering Committee