President Dale Gray called the meeting to order.
Ramsey Park Renovations:
Alison Alter, chair of the Ramsey Park Renovations Committee, announced that the playground was open. Phase III is almost complete except for only a few small adjustments. The committee will begin a discussion of design options for Phase IV in early March.
Saturday, March 7th is “It’s My Park Day” sponsored by the City of Austin. As part of that day’s activities a celebration marking the completion of the renovation of the Ramsey Park playscape area will be at the park from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. A formal ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Steve Adler, City of Austin mayor; Leslie Pool, District 7 Council Member; and representatives from Sherri Gallo, District 10 Council Member’s office will be attending and Rosedale neighbors and businesses are all invited to attend the festivities. The City will be bringing refreshments.
Also on March 7th at 9:00 a.m. volunteers are still needed to spread sand and fertilizer on the northeast section of the park to help level the field and provide fertilizer to encourage grass growth. Scott Burton is coordinating this workday and more information is available on the Ramsey Park Facebook page and the RNA website.
The Friends of Ramsey Walk pavers will be the last item installed and a space is being reserved for that walkway.
Variance Request
Steve Walkup presented his upcoming variance request for 4710 Sinclair. The Walkup’s request will be to build a new garage on the site of their current garage which has a non‐conforming setback. The old garage cannot be rehabilitated. This variance request will be heard by the Board of Adjustments at their March meeting.
Bull Creek Property Sale and Subsequent Development of that Property
A brief report was given by neighbors who had attended the meeting held by MileStone Properties on February 11, 2015 to discuss results of the survey about the development of the site. Rosedale had the most respondents to the survey. A few of the major points discussed:
‐ The site will be mixed use with a limited office component
‐ The commercial uses would be located along Bull Creek
‐ There would probably not be any big box stores
‐ A pedestrian bridge across Shoal Creek is looking very unlikely because MileStone Properties does not own any of the land across the creek on which to build part of the bridge.
Lamar Central
Highland Resources, owners and developers of Lamar Central, are going to put signs in the neighborhood that say “Drive Like Your Kids Live Here” because some of the construction work is causing traffic backups on Lamar and 38th which is sending some traffic into the neighborhood.
Additional Business
The next Austin Neighborhoods Council meeting will be held on February 27th .
Tree Folks will be giving out 500 free trees on March 7th. More information can be found on their website:
The bridge over the Hancock Branch of Shoal Creek has been reopened.