Membership in the Rosedale Neighborhood Association is open to all residents and property owners within the boundaries of the Rosedale Neighborhood. Membership is on a per-household or business basis (as opposed to requiring each individual in a household to become a member).
Annual dues are $20 per household, $10 for retirees; any additional amount will be donated to the Ramsey Park fund. The dues are used to fund RNA events and to pay for the production of the neighborhood newsletter.
Membership in the RNA is granted upon payment of annual dues (due in November each year). Membership will become effective at the next meeting after residency has been established. Members have the right to participate in meetings and other activities. Only members who are 18 years of age or older have the right to make motions, vote in Association meetings, and hold office.
Questions? Contact the RNA president.
Become an active member. Here are two ways to become a member:
Alternative 1: Click here to use Credit Card, Paypal or Venmo.
Alternative 2: Mail your dues (for your household for the year) along with your name, address, and telephone number to our treasurer:
Kim Relph
4510 Rosedale Ave.
Austin, TX 78756
THANKS for your support of your Rosedale neighborhood.